Super Mario 64 - Community Freerun in Snowman's Land [TAS]


Super Mario 64 - Community Freerun in Snowman's Land [TAS]

Welcome to the next community freerun, this time it's in Snowman's Land.

Who did what:

Non5en5e: 0:00 - 0:30
dar gos: 0:31 - 1:04
Ojj: 1:05 - 1:37
Bret: 1:38 - 2:09
AleXx167: 2:10 - 2:44
Rush57: 2:45 - 3:16
Superdavo0001: 3:17 - 3:52
Super Watermelon 64: 3:53 - 4:14
Cankicker: 4:15 - 4:34
egas 4:35 - 5:05
CeeSZee(Myself): 5:06 - End

Around 44k rerecords were used.

Subscribe to all their channels:

Non5en5e: tinyurl.com/non5en5eyt
dar gos: tinyurl.com/dargosyt
Ojj: tinyurl.com/ojjyt
Bret: tinyurl.com/bretyt
AleXx167: tinyurl.com/alexx167yt
Rush57: tinyurl.com/rush57yt
Superdavo0001: tinyurl.com/superdavoyt
Super Watermelon 64: tinyurl.com/melon64yt
Cankicker: tinyurl.com/cankickeryt
egas: tinyurl.com/egasyt
CeeSZee: tinyurl.com/ceeszeeyt



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