[SGDQ 2015 TAS Race] Streemerz in 05:08.51 by Mothrayas - Winning entry


[SGDQ 2015 TAS Race] Streemerz in 05:08.51 by Mothrayas - Winning entry

During SGDQ 2015, at the end of the TAS Block, players were given 4 hours to TAS Streemerz "Streeeeemerz Mode" and submit their entry. At the SGDQ stream, the initial winners shown were kaizoman666 and Dragonfangs as first and second, respectively -- but I ended up being the one to win the competition overall!

Official results of the Summer Games Done Quick 2015 TAS Competition (organised by dwangoAC) are in: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic....
Full results table: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/...

Top 10 by framecount to victory condition:

1. Mothrayas - 18637
2. kaizoman - 18693
3. mugg1991 - 18704
4. Dragonfangs - 18735
5. TehSeven - 18760
6. Bisqwit - 18872
7. Atma - 18891
8. scrm - 18908
9. Aglar - 18938
10. TASeditor - 18949

Input file (.fm2) of this run: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/2...

This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun, which means that this run was made using frame advance and savestates. For more information, read this: http://tasvideos.org/WelcomeToTASVide...



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