[TAS] [Obsoleted] DS Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time by Migu in 3:21:09.92


[TAS] [Obsoleted] DS Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time by Migu in 3:21:09.92

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3530M.html

This movie has been obsoleted by http://tasvideos.org/3791M.html. TAS originally published on 2017-10-14.

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time is a role-playing video game developed by AlphaDream and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS in 2005.

The game follows Mario, Luigi, Baby Mario and Baby Luigi as they travel through time in order to rescue Princess Peach from the Shroobs.

The author provides two audio commentaries, one with Anwonu and GhostKing (https://twitch.tv/videos/137717116) and another one where the author goes more in-depth (https://twitch.tv/videos/185055421).



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