Super Smash Bros 64 Very Hard mode no damage TAS


Super Smash Bros 64 Very Hard mode no damage TAS

(please click more...and read EVERYTHING)

I have gotten rid of being able to comment due to people being idiots..just read the description..I'm sick of it =___=

I did NOT cheat, I played frame by frame, I do not claim to be the best at SSB64. THIS IS TOOL ASSISTED! and yes it is on very hard. No I didn't use Action Replay, there is none for a N64..let alone a emulator. Also I realize that Race to the Finish isn't in here. I played each stage and edited them together, and I forgot to add it, if you want to see it so bad then click this link.



OLD OLD OLD OLD!!!! Very old TAS by me, not my best, please watch my newer ones.

This is me beating SSB64 on Very Hard mode with no damage. This video is a TAS video (tool assisted) meaning that I slowed down the game play and recorded it at normal speed.

NOTE:I did not put any cheats in the game.

Everything edited and done by me 😉




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