Mario Party 1 (TAS): Minigame Island in 37:03"60 by DennisBalow


Mario Party 1 (TAS): Minigame Island in 37:03"60 by DennisBalow

Mario Party 1 ~ Tool-Assisted Speedrun
Full Game TAS

This is the Minigame Island from Mario Party 1 in 37 minutes and 3 Seconds. I have beat the old record from "speedruntrainers" but he calculate his time wrong because, he dont start from the first black frame where the N64 symbol comes. This run was calculate from first frame where the game start, to the last black frame after the race against the Toad at the end. And i don´t know why the Youtube player time is 36:40
When i calculate with the frames is the time over 37 minutes. or i must calculate the time in Mario Party in a other way? Im thankful for every help. =)

This was played on an Emulator with Save and Load States, Slowdown, Rerecords and Frame by Frame. It have get/take a little before i have finish this. But i am very satisfied now with the run.

Please, enjoy

The video plugin (Gilde64 "Napalm WX" release 1) was used for almost don´t graphic error´s!

▼ReneBalow´s Channel▼
Subcribe him: http://www.youtube.com/user/ReneBalow
(A big thanks for Encode the complete run, and for trying to help me)

Mario Party 1
Player: DennisBalow
Version: American
Rerecords: 26k

You can follow me here if you want to. =)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DennisBalow
Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/DennisBalow

If you enjoyed the video please leave a comment, subscribe the channel and give the video a thumb up, it's always highly appreciated.



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