[TAS] Mari0: "A Portal Tribute" DLC Map Pack in 02:44.12


[TAS] Mari0: "A Portal Tribute" DLC Map Pack in 02:44.12

In this exciting installment of TASBot demolishing Mari0, he challenges "A Portal Tribute", a free "DLC" map for the game. He uses portal cycles, clips, and plenty of other tricks to beat the map in only 2 minutes and 44.12 seconds.

This is a reuploaded version of the original TAS for GDQ submissions which removes the debug information and adds an in-game timer.


Rerecord Count: 1247
Frames: 9847
TAS software: libTAS
Movie file: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachment...
This encode uses the tasb0t mod by MM102 which adds the TASBot sprite, in-game timer, and other (disabled) visual tweaks. This does not affect gameplay and syncs perfectly on a vanilla copy of the game.



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