[TAS] Wario: Master of Disguise - Chapter 1


[TAS] Wario: Master of Disguise - Chapter 1

Important : this is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org

Hello everyone,

I noticed I have done a few mistakes (mainly with the chests), so I decided to TAS again from the beginning.

For this chapter, I copied the boss fight (because it was already optimised) and the rest is similar to the previous version. If you wish more information, see the obsolete version (I won't add subtitles for this one).

I saved 116 frames (almost 2 seconds).

If you have any question, just ask ;).

Frames so far : .

For more details, see http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic....

All rights go to Nintendo and the owners of the copyrights.



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