Icon of Sin done Pacifist! [TAS]


Icon of Sin done Pacifist! [TAS]

Runner: Zero-Master
Date: 2018-10-08
Category: UV-Pacifist TAS
Map: 30
Source Port: xdre v2.19
Time: 9:21

This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun!

"To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero." I'm doing no such thing, however my 30 arch-vile friends will!

The last arch-vile is spawned at 8:45, I wouldn't recommend watching anything before that.

Pacifist is a category where you are not allowed to damage monsters. Map 30 was the only remaining level in doom 2 that has not been done pacifist, however a non-TAS demo is probably impossible unless something completely new is discovered (which should also be very unlikely).

Credits to Looper for the idea to use an arch-vile to destroy the IoS.
-trace_givendamage 36 can be used to confirm that there is no damage done at any point even though I sometimes fire in the direction of monsters.

The idea is to use the arch-vile blast radius to destroy the IoS. Death causes doomguys vertical height to be reduced so that he can fit into the gap and get close enough. Arch-viles that are still targeting doomguy even after he is dead will finish their attack, thus dealing splash damage.

This requires several arch-viles as well as them timing their attacks such that doomguy is always in the air until the IoS is destroyed. The arch-viles attack at random times, so it's incredibly difficult to get the right pattern. Not only that, they also need line of sight. Since there are so many of them they will wander around randomly, and if they aren't in the middle they won't be able to deal damage to the IoS.

I spend almost 9 minutes spawning viles (which has taken many many hours to do) for a total of 30 viles. I'm sure it's possible to do it with less, but getting the right vile attack pattern gets signifcantly more difficult with less viles.

According to doomwiki.org there's a 2/256 (0.78%) chance of an arch-vile spawning from the cube. Sometimes I get them in a few tries... however sometimes I have to try several 100's of times. Impossible to say how many times I've had to manipulate RNG at this point.

And no, this is not possible without TAS. This is the only idea that has proven to work, so a non-TAS demo is unlikely.

All doom 2 levels have been done pacifist without TAS besides map 30, you can watch them here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...



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