[TAS] Genesis The Incredible Crash Dummies by Exonym & EZGames69 in 09:43.33


[TAS] Genesis The Incredible Crash Dummies by Exonym & EZGames69 in 09:43.33

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3803M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-10-13.

At a time when computer games were being blamed for violence, bad language, epilepsy and everything else the ‘moral majority’ needed a scapegoat for, LJN gave us this game. You play a crash test dummy, trying to progress through levels filled with hazards such as cars and fireballs, while trying to preserve your limbs, within the time limits.

The movie file, as well as all the encodes, have the authors' commentary as soft subtitles.



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