Banjo-Tooie 100% Speedrun in 4:23:30 (RTA)


Banjo-Tooie 100% Speedrun in 4:23:30 (RTA)

I'm actively doing 100% attempts and currently have a 4:18:00 ( here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/321881432 ). I'm going for 4:17:xx. Check out live attempts here: https://www.twitch.tv/pjii


100% requires you to beat the game (defeat Hag 1) and complete the Game Totals screen. Timing stops when I grab the last Jiggy. PLEASE look at this pastebin before asking questions: http://pastebin.com/2bUQR0iD


Version: Nintendo 64 (NTSC-U)
Runner: Pjii
Date: 9/8/2015
Time: 4:23:30 (Real-Time Attack)
Jinjo Manipulation: Yes (Info: http://pastebin.com/Zs7Enh8a)


Run comments:

There are a lot of dumb mistakes in this run; a few of them are really disappointing to me. However, I accepted a long time ago that I'll probably never get a run of this category that I'm completely happy with. It's just too long and there are too many chances to mess up, or even get bad luck. Speaking of luck, this run has very good luck, better than average for sure. Plus I feel that I get more nervous running 100% than any other category. When you've grinded for months and finally get a run that could PB, well, you feel that pressure. Anyway, I pushed really hard to get a 4:23 and I'm happy I stuck with it.

One mistake I want to point out is at 3:00:36 ...I do ice wall so slow that I can't do a timesaver where I shoot some ice blocks with a Grenade. See here: https://youtu.be/WJ7oZQcUo_M ...I'm pointing this out so people who might watch this run to learn from will know about that possible save. I don't think I missed anything else that needs mentioning.


Twitter - https://twitter.com/Pjii_
Live stream - http://www.twitch.tv/pjii



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