I Wanna Be the Boshy - Dark Boshy Any% TAS: 26:45.98


I Wanna Be the Boshy - Dark Boshy Any% TAS: 26:45.98

Frame count at the final input: 80299 (26:45.98 using the method for TAS timing)
Re-records: 4999
Final time by RTA timing methods: Roughly 26:54 (start after file select and end after losing control of Boshy i.e., the start of the Solgryn death cutscene)
Note that Boshy runs at 50 FPS

I'd like to thank quite a few people for making this possible:
-Witwix (current RTA world record holder): If it wasn't for him constantly streaming Boshy, I wouldn't have been interested in TASing this game. He also provided feedback on the WIP videos.

-Kalemandu (former RTA world record holder): For providing the onlineLicense file so I could use Dark Boshy, as well as providing feedback on the WIP videos.

-ProfessorBroman (amazing Twitch streamer): For providing me with the energy to stay motivated

-xWidghet (the one who TAS'd Boshy first): If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been able to properly TAS IWBTB

While the old TAS was great, many things have been found in Boshy speedrunning that have made it possible to get even faster times. Double-shot was discovered, making it possible to do up to 100 damage per second on most bosses and a trick that was once thought to be useless turned out to be the World 4 skip. Those paired with general platforming and boss fight optimizations brought down the time a lot.

I'm still not done with this game, however; I have plans to redo the entire TAS and bring the time down even further (possibly near a 26:20 time). I also have plans to test out the boss fights to see if there's any possible way to make them go faster (primarily RNG manipulation on Missingno).

If you have any questions related to the TAS, or Boshy in general, feel free to ask me!



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