[TAS] HMC HSW on island slopes (refined)


[TAS] HMC HSW on island slopes (refined)

I already presented a video of this time save, but it was hard to understand what was going on. Since then, I left out the punching, adjusted the camera, and saved another ~8 minutes by not losing as much speed.

HSW on a steep slippery slope (such as the island's) builds up speed much faster than the HSW spot that was used previously. In total, this should bring the time for building up PU speed in HMC down from 12-14 hours to an estimated 85-95 minutes, not including the ~60 minutes you need to gain the speed used in the video.

For more details, check out pannenkoek2012's video on the topic: https://youtu.be/mgNMKnkZEKY



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