Wii Party Party Games TAS [WIP 1]


Wii Party Party Games TAS [WIP 1]

TAS timing without loads - 05:17.466
TAS timing with loads - 05:46.533

This was first shown at Australian Speedrunning Marathon 2018. You can watch the demonstration here: Check out this video "ASM2018: TAS Block by TheProJamer" http://www.twitch.tv/ausspeedrunmarat...

Introducing another Wii Party TAS project! This is "Party Games", where all 5 of the games under the Party Games category have to be completed one after another as fast as possible. Unfortunately, this and All Minigames are going to have to take a break; I only finished this WIP because I was at an upcoming deadline for ASM, otherwise I would have paused my work because as you can see from Minigame 2, WiiMotes are rather limited in regards to what you can do with rotating the on-screen cursor and in fact do not work in TAS input at all. I shall have to wait until the problem is fixed to optimise this and continue, and even then all the work I've done will have to be restarted.

Done on Dolphin 5.0 (Stable)
Region: PAL



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