Half-Life 2 Speedrunning: TAS Tutorial


Half-Life 2 Speedrunning: TAS Tutorial

Sorry for taking so long to upload, this is just a hobby YouTube channel and I've been procrastinating again... This is the prequel to my "How to Go Up Far Distances" in my HL2 speed running series. This tutorial will basically set you up to learn how to prop fly and etc. If you speed run with these programs then your run will be TAS (Tool Assisted).

Useful SPT commands:
y_spt_autojump (0/1) - Toggles hold space to jump
y_spt_timer_start - Starts the SPT timer
y_spt_timer_stop - Stops the SPT timer and prints the current time
y_spt_timer_reset - Stops and resets the SPT timer
y_spt_canjb - Checks if a jumpbug is possible at a given height given the current player position and vertical speed
tas_strafe_jumptype - toggles between ABH, forward bhop and glitchless
+y_spt_duckspam and -y_spt_duckspam - Makes you crouch every other frame
_y_spt_tickrate [number or blank] - Gets or sets the tickrate




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