[TAS] SM64DS jumpless any% in 55"05'13 (B Button Challenge) by Adeal and Migu


[TAS] SM64DS jumpless any% in 55"05'13 (B Button Challenge) by Adeal and Migu

This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun of Super Mario 64 DS, completed withouth jumping, and with the lowest number of stars required. Made by Migu and Me, around 50k rerecords and a total number of 197733 frames

This TAS took about 6 months to make, but people have been working on Individual levels already 2 years ago.

This TAS features:
-Slide kick abuse
-Heavy glitch abuse
-Heavy enemy and object abuse
-hits, deaths, and Level Exiting to save time
-Major skip glitches
-Minor skip glitches
-Collecting stars in the wrong order

This TAS DOESN'T feature:
-The B button (aka jumping)
-Normal playthrough of the game
-The two first Bowser battles
-Luigi or Wario
-The flower power
-The ending screen

This run is Interesting because many glitches are shown, that would never be showned in any other TAS.



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