New TAS-10001 SL Slide Grinding as 3 in 1 set


New TAS-10001 SL Slide Grinding as 3 in 1 set

New TAS-10001 SL Slide Grinding as 3 in 1 set

The new TAS-10001 SL Slide Grinding as 3 in 1 set has the advantages and innovations which offers a unique technology to users. With this new system, all the welding processes
of bandsaw and steel strip welding are under control.

TAS-10001 SL Slide Grinding as 3 in 1 set
Linear guided Grinding Machine for side grinds 20-100 mm band width, cup wheel, pneumatic vises, power box with on/off switch and light control, emergency off switch, machine fixed on column with a proper working height level, back grinder positioned below the side grinder with start by pedal and automatic move to front by pneumatic push. Tooth gullet grinder, pneumatic hand grinder with several thin grind discs.



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