TAS - S.p.A. (Tractor Automobile Spares)


TAS - S.p.A. (Tractor Automobile Spares)

TAS - S.p.A. (Tractor Automobile Spares)

Is a well-established Italian company which occupies a leading position in the manufacture and after-market sales of replacement spare parts for cars , buses , trucks , tractors and earth-moving machinery such as ZF ,MAN , DAF , IVECO , RENAULT , VOLVO , MERCEDES, SCANIA , FORD,MASSEY FERGUSON and CATERPILLAR etc.

And it has been doing this for over 50 years !

A vocation towards international expansion , flexibility , quality, service and an extremely wide range of parts are the company's winning strategies.

Our web-site : www.tas-spa.com
For more information : web@tas-spa.com



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