[TAS] DS Super Scribblenauts by Chef Stef & Kiwisauce in 1:01:52.63


[TAS] DS Super Scribblenauts by Chef Stef & Kiwisauce in 1:01:52.63

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/2427M.html. TAS originally published on 2013-07-22.

Super Scribblenauts is the sequel to Scribblenauts, a puzzle game for the DS consisting of spawning any object from a database of thousands of possibilities (from "chair" to "God") to solve given situations. It is fundamentally the same game with two major novelties: the possibility to add adjectives (a color, a size, a state, etc.) to the objects we want to summon and the possibility to use the D-Pad to control Maxwell, the protagonist of both games, in addition to the touch screen, the only possible input method in the first installment.

This TAS completes the 10 main worlds of Super Scribblenauts. Speed is not the main goal; instead, the levels are completed in funny or unusual ways.



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