[TAS] Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future - Joseph Joestar (Story Mode)


[TAS] Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage For The Future - Joseph Joestar (Story Mode)

Old Man Jojo goes on an adventure across the entire world and kicks butts of some random people. Also, there's that DIO guy who's responsible for something but we just don't know what.

This TAS uses a modified version of the ROM. The only things altered in it are color palettes of characters and the HUD. Otherwise, it is the same as the regular game.

Join our JJBA: HFTF Discord: https://discord.gg/EFZyyJm

Frames: 65264
Undo Count: 7625
Difficulty: 8 (Hardest)
Time: 18:09



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