[TAS] A2600 Skiing "Slalom" by ViGadeomes in 00:26.57


[TAS] A2600 Skiing "Slalom" by ViGadeomes in 00:26.57

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3710M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-05-21.

In Skiing, your goal is to ski to the bottom of the mountain in the shortest time possible. The mountain is treacherous with plenty of trees and moguls in the way! There are two different modes of gameplay. In slalom mode, there are a series of gates you need to ski through; missing any will result in a penalty to your time. In downhill mode you just need to ski to the bottom as fast as possible. Each mode includes five different skill levels which affect the length of the course (and the number of gates in slalom mode.)

ViGadeomes completes the slalom mode on the most difficult setting, with an in-game time of 28.21 seconds.



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