[TAS] Sonic Classic Heroes - Walkthrough as Super Team Sonic


[TAS] Sonic Classic Heroes - Walkthrough as Super Team Sonic

#runthrough #sonicclassicheroes #supersonicteam #tas #toolassistedspeedrun
[TAS] Sonic Classic Heroes - Walkthrough as Super Team Sonic

Sonic Classic Heroes is a ROM hack for the Sega Mega Drive that is the result of a collaboration between flamewing and ColinC10, combining their respective hacks Sonic 2 Heroes and Sonic 1 and 2. It therefore is a single ROM that offers the entire campaigns of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2, either alone or together; and enables the player to play as many characters such as Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. The hack is named due to the ability to control a team of characters, which is reminiscent of the more recent 3D game Sonic Heroes.

Download: http://info.sonicretro.org/images/1/1...



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