[TAS] GBA Castlevania: Circle of the Moon "all cards" by klmz in 19:30.0


[TAS] GBA Castlevania: Circle of the Moon "all cards" by klmz in 19:30.0

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3853M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-12-17.

Normally using the DSS card system of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon grants abilities that one would not otherwise have access to. With a glitch, one can access these abilities anyways, making the DSS cards themselves mere collector's items. When placed under the control of klmz (http://tasvideos.org/Klmz.html) however, Nathan Graves proves himself to be an avid collector, abusing zips and other glitches to quickly go around the castle and obtain all the DSS cards and finish off Dracula in 19 minutes and 30 seconds.



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