[TAS] N64 Pokémon Stadium "Gym Leader Castle" by aleckermit & Beccachu in 1:08:56.78


[TAS] N64 Pokémon Stadium "Gym Leader Castle" by aleckermit & Beccachu in 1:08:56.78

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3160M.html. TAS originally published on 2016-06-22.

Pokémon Stadium is a strategy video game developed and published by Nintendo in 1999. Despite being the first Pokémon Stadium title released in the west, the game is a sequel to the original Pokémon Stadium title released in Japan in 1998. Gameplay is built around a 3D turn-based battling system using the 151 creatures from the Game Boy games Pokémon Red (http://tasvideos.org/Game/gb-pokmon-r...), Blue (http://tasvideos.org/Game/gb-pokmon-b...), and Yellow (http://tasvideos.org/Game/gbc-pokmon-...).

In this run, aleckermit and Beccachu blaze their path through Gym Leader Castle, defeating all challengers and gym bosses as fast as possible.

Downloadable encodes are also available in 640x480 resolution:

MKV (http://archive.org/download/Pokemonst...)

512kb MPEG4 (http://archive.org/download/Pokemonst...)



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