The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX TAS in 05:37.87 by Bobmario511


The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX TAS in 05:37.87 by Bobmario511

Huge thanks to Brandon for encoding this for me again!

This is a 56 frame improvement over the previous run.

This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun done by myself. This movie was made on an emulator, with savestates, rerecords and frame-by-frame shooting. It is NOT meant to show skill; it is ONLY supposed to provide entertainment.

The official submission can be seen at http://tasvideos.org/3640S.html

Unlike the gameboy verson, they fixed screen warping in this one. With that being said, there were still a handful of tricks still left in which are abused to warp to the final boss with minimal items. The warp uses a trick called the doghouse glitch.

If you liked this run, then I suggest checking out TASvideos; they have a lot of great speedruns and superplays and can inform you on how to make your own.




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