Mario Kart 64 TAS, Star Cup Test Run (Old, Updated run at https://youtu.be/rD-EHVecJyA )


Mario Kart 64 TAS, Star Cup Test Run (Old, Updated run at https://youtu.be/rD-EHVecJyA )

NOTE: This is an old test run. The final run is now available on my channel. Check it out at: https://youtu.be/rD-EHVecJyA

This is a strategy test run, by Andrew Weatherton, for Mario Kart 64. It was last updated on April 9, 2008. The purpose was to develop and demonstrate the strategies for completing the Grand Prix cups in a fast, entertaining way.

This is a Tool Assisted movie, to learn more and/or discuss the development of a Mario Kart 64 TAS, go to: http://tasvideos.org/ or, more specifically: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic....



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