Pikmin 2 TAS: Subterranean Complex 5 in 0 Minutes


Pikmin 2 TAS: Subterranean Complex 5 in 0 Minutes

This video is tool-assisted, meaning that I used savestates and frame-advance to show that this floor can be completed in 0 minutes.

Pikmin 2 records how many minutes you have spent in a file. However, it only counts how many whole minutes you have spent. If I select a file, play for 2:59 and save + reset, the game only counts this as 2 minutes of playtime. Because of this, it is possible to pay off the debt in just 1 minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbvG0...
Before today, we could collect all treasures in 20 in-game minutes. HSS0136 has beaten the game in 23 minutes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCxmt...
HSS0136 saved 2 more minutes since then. Here are the minute saves:
White Flower Garden 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpVKM...
Valley of Repose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-tMP...
I also saved a minute. Submerged Castle 2 used to take 2 minutes, but now it only takes 1 minute:
And because of the minute save shown in this video, we can now complete Pikmin 2 in 19 minutes!

To complete this floor in 0 minutes, I have to make 2 trips: one trip to collect Mystical Disc in under 1 minute, and another trip to collect Adamantine Girdle in under 1 minute. Under normal circumstances, it takes too long for one of these treasures to be carried all the way to the Research Pod, since the paths on this floor are so long. However, I had the idea long ago that if we could somehow get the treasure to fall into the void below the Research Pod, then maybe it could respawn beside the Research Pod. This would greatly reduce how far the treasure would have to be carried.

For a while, I figured that we'd have to rely on some carrying glitch in order for the treasure to go out of bounds. But recently, I realized something that I should have realized sooner. I have seen dozens of instances of treasures getting a significant bounce when something like a rock or nectar egg drops from the sky on one. So then I figured that we could have a bomb or a volatile dweevil drop from the sky on top of the treasure, and then it could bounce out of bounds!

However, there were a couple caveats with this plan. First of all, I need RNG on my side, since the floor layout must have a treasure right to the side of the Research Pod, and a bomb or volatile dweevil must drop somewhere along the treasure's path. I had to experiment with different floor layouts before I found ones that would work. Secondly, the walls on the side of the floor often get in the way of a treasure going out of bounds. Getting around this was pretty complicated...

You see, treasures behave differently depending on if they're on camera or off camera. For example, treasures that are glitched into the ground will often fall through the ground once they go off-camera. Another example is this: the Unspeakable Wonder will often get stuck on the snowman's head, but it gets unstuck when placed off-camera. I don't understand exactly what the difference is, however, it seems that treasures lose some collision when off-camera. In this case, the treasure does not collide with the walls of Subterranean Complex 5, and this allows it to bounce through the walls and into the void!

This allowed me to collect Mystical Disc in under a minute. However, it turns out that it wasn't necessary for Adamantine Girdle to be off-camera, as it was able to get a large enough bounce to go over the wall. Getting both of these treasures to bounce correctly was much harder than it looked, I had to experiment with a lot of different timings on when to whistle and when to switch leaders (which puts the treasure off-camera). Note that having the treasures fall into the void was not enough, if it fell too far away from the starting area, it would respawn on the lower path. It's even possible for the treasures to respawn behind the Research Pod, where treasures normally could not go.

The only other thing worth mentioning is this napsack carry glitch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdRuI...
I'm not sure who found it, but it was probably HSS0136. Thanks to this glitch, I was able to get around on this floor much quicker.

I doubt that anyone will be able to pull this off in real-time. The reason I was able to go so fast was because I knew exactly where the treasures, bombs, and hole were. Without knowing these things, the player would have to find these things and make a plan immediately, and then execute the plan perfectly. I doubt this is possible.

ANNOUNCEMENT: I now have a Discord server! Feel free to join: https://discord.gg/XSNuwC



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