Universal cleaning machine TAS


Universal cleaning machine TAS

The Bühler TAS universal cleaning machines have been proven and tested worldwide for grain cleaning in single-grade or dual-grade operations without screen changes. This rugged line of machinery is ideally suited for pre-cleaning and the main cleaning cycle in collection and reception plants, port facilities, mills, silo and storage facilities as well as seed processing and malting plants. It guarantees high-performance, economical and, last but not least, environmentally friendly cleaning.

The 3D-Animation shows in detail
- the composition of the machine
- the product flow-through with screen changeover
- the working principle (product distribution with automatic inlet regulator; inlet aspiration; product distribution onto screens with screen changeover; sieve box with preliminary sieves, main sieves and rubber ball cleaning principle; outlet aspiration; expansion chambers with discharge screws)
- the Rhino-Hyde wear protection lining
- the easy sieve changing principle



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コメ付き TAS モンスターハンター3トライ Part8 コメ付き TAS モンスターハンター3トライ Part8石ころに当たって涙目敗走のクソ雑魚村4ラギアクルス撃退~村5緊急までここまでの追記数は ...


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