(TAS) SSBB All Event Matches in 14:03.00


(TAS) SSBB All Event Matches in 14:03.00

Yup, I did it again, this time with a 39.27 second time save.

I did this again because I felt my last one was not fast enough, and I was right, so I'm far more proud of this one.

I was going to submit this to TASVideos but I lost some audio in the process of making this, it sucks but thats life.

There were two events that made this a little slower because of the rng of the smash ball...which also sucks...

These are the time saves in all the events from my last run (events not included either made this run a little slower, or have a fixed time)
Event 1: 0:00.75
Event 3: 0:00.65
Event 4: 0:01.03
Event 5: 0:01.35
Event 7: 0:00.23
Event 8: 0:01.90
Event 9: 0:01.94
Event 10: 0:02.60
Event 11: 0:00.05
Event 12: 0:00.43
Event 13: 0:06.55
Event 15: 0:00.33
Event 18: 0:00.03
Event 19: 0:02.66
Event 20: 0:01.57
Event 21: 0:01.57
Event 22: 0:00:09
Event 25: 0:00.45
Event 26: 0:04.08
Event 27: 0:02.52
Event 28: 0:00.80
Event 29: 0:02.95
Event 30: 0:00.65
Event 31: 0:00.02
Event 32: 0:00.43
Event 33: 0:01.14
Event 34: 0:00.60
Event 35: 0:00.72
Event 36: 0:01.88
Event 37: 0:00.16
Event 38: 0:02.23
Event 39: 0:00.30
Event 40: 0:02.36
Event 41: 0:00.13

And thats pretty much all there is to say. Enjoy!



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