Marvel vs Capcom ~ Shadow Lady & Strider Hiryu【TAS】


Marvel vs Capcom ~ Shadow Lady & Strider Hiryu【TAS】

Dowload video. Format: mkv (http://www.4shared.com/video/3ALHSZZb...) Hello and welcome after of a long time but you're watching today more another video from my channel, this time I bring up one different video which comes added an extra stuff at the begining but after the playthrough of a while the players introduced on the title will be showed .In reason of my time is very short( cause the college and other tasks let me very busy to make videos) but I always try to save a time for working on them
Follow me on Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+CanalSDR sometimes I send some stuff there too like short footage or project that i have given up or whatever.



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