Sonic The Hedgehog Speed Run 13:03 any% SS (Non-TAS)


Sonic The Hedgehog Speed Run 13:03 any% SS (Non-TAS)

GH1 - 0:25 - as always
GH2 - 0:19 - get it 50% of the time now
GH3 - 0:37 - in retrospect, I should've reset, but I was so sick of resetting at that time
MZ1 - 0:58 - target time is 54 but the falling blocks blocked me 😉
MZ2 - 0:11 - ohhh yeahhh
MZ3 - 0:43 (0:09+0:34) - this is literally a do or die level, so 2nd try ain't too bad
SY1 - 0:27 - alright
SY2 - 0:40 - abysmal
SY3 - 0:54 - best i've done in a SS ever
LZ1 - 0:48 - best i've done in a SS ever
LZ2 - 0:35 - meh
LZ3 - 1:29 - best i've done in a SS ever
SL1 - 0:28 - missed the zip but rest went ok
SL2 - 0:32 - already failed at the approach, rest meh
SL3 - 1:04 - lol, Sonic zipped too fast and broke the loop-the-loop
SB1 - 0:46 - a tiny mistake during the first 12 seconds results in an instant + 5, due to the timed platform afterwards, thus i'm happy with it
SB2 - 0:40 - at least i didn't fall through or get stuck (10% of the time I land on the LEFT of the elevator, which means, you cannot proceed)
SB3 - 0:13 - got a pretty consistent strat, despite this zip relies on subpixels
FZ - 1:14 - luckily didn't get the 2-3 pattern, with Robotnik in the 2nd, which is pretty hard to hit

Total in-game time: 13:03

I intended to upload only a sub 13 run, but it turns out to be more tedious than I thought. I might get it tomorrow or in months, nobody knows. Now I fully understand why many famous Sonic speedrunners call this game '"unrunnable".

Thanks, if you read all this. 🙂



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