[TAS] Arcade Marvel vs. Capcom by SDR in 25:37.7


[TAS] Arcade Marvel vs. Capcom by SDR in 25:37.7

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/2098M.html. TAS originally published on 2012-09-03.

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes is a 1998 Arcade fighting game developed by Capcom. It continues the lineage of Capcom fighting games featuring characters from Marvel comics, and is the game that paved the way for the hugely successful Marvel vs. Capcom 2.

Each team has two characters (which can be simultaneously controlled at certain times), plus a third summon assist character. This leads to quite a few things happening on the screen at once. There are quite a few glitches showcased; see the author's comments (http://tasvideos.org/3685S.html) for a complete listing.



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