[TAS] [Obsoleted] NES Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! "last boss only" by LegendOfMart in 04:50.4


[TAS] [Obsoleted] NES Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! "last boss only" by LegendOfMart in 04:50.4

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/630M.html

This movie has been obsoleted by http://tasvideos.org/627M.html. TAS originally published on 2004-04-08.

This is a historic movie, submitted and obsoleted before the creation of the database-based (and wiki-based) site engine, before July 2004.

It was inserted to the database in a history revival project by Bisqwit (http://tasvideos.org/Bisqwit.html) in autumn 2006.

This run used a password to skip directly to Mike Tyson and TKO's him at 1:17.xx in Round 3. This was not even close to a world record at the time of the record (nor even an impressive time). No hits were taken but the player did take damage by blocking certain punches to obtain stars.



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