#79 | Kate Steinle Verdict, Keith's Last Ride, Pocah**tas, ABC's Flynn Fake News | Beauty & the Beta


#79 | Kate Steinle Verdict, Keith's Last Ride, Pocah**tas, ABC's Flynn Fake News | Beauty & the Beta

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"Once in a Lifetime" remix: https://youtu.be/MskYujO_z68
Bearing and SugarTits' cover of "Catch the Wind" http://bit.ly/2fu9qUO
"Dog Park" and "Odahviing" written and performed by AENEAS: http://bit.ly/2sibPZ7

Political Disco's art: http://bit.ly/2A0m0Wg
Cucked Canuck's art: http://bit.ly/2A0FTwJ
KFC Australia's tweet about the Royal engagement: http://bit.ly/2A0ntfr
Matt get a shoutout on C-SPAN: http://cs.pn/2A0NFGI
The Atlantic's hit piece on Reddit and 4Chan: http://theatln.tc/2A04D86
Matt Lauer grills himself: http://bit.ly/2A04SQy
Dana Nessel's politcal ad for Michigan AG race: https://youtu.be/CQL37wcgI6k
Emergency Hijabs at Dalhousie University: http://bit.ly/2A0GFd7
Fox's coverage of Kate Steinle verdict: http://fxn.ws/2ATXmab
NBC's coverage of Kate Steinle verdict: http://nbcnews.to/2A1D0ve
DOJ issues arrest warrant for undocumented immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle killing: http://bit.ly/2ARHwwC
Feds say they will deport Zarate: http://bit.ly/2ARyEHc
San Francisco Sheriff previously let Zarate go due to sanctuary policies: http://bit.ly/2AV2Wca
Zarate's lawyer says "this is a vindication for the rights of immigrants:" https://youtu.be/CXRpD1oaQN8
Washington Post says white naitonalists are mad about the verdict: http://bit.ly/2ATkQw0
Chubbycabra faces a year in jail: http://bit.ly/2zZDemL

Keith Olbermann's last "Resistance" episode: https://youtu.be/xmkXR7EL_RY
Trump's "Pocahontas" moment with the Navajo Code Talkers: https://youtu.be/GuXc3IenURc
Warren calls it a racial slur: https://youtu.be/YKEKfDPX2WQ
Don Lemon says it's a racial slur: https://youtu.be/9lb7ftUSoyg

Censored Disney's Pocah****s: https://youtu.be/PzmB_Dm81zA
Pocahontas has a vision of Trump: http://bit.ly/2ASrKS5
ABC News' original fake news and "clarification:" https://youtu.be/SAJqTE15xbQ
The View celebrates the fake news: https://youtu.be/bNcY5VJAG9I
Hoax hate 1 - bathroom graffiti by "non-white" student: http://bit.ly/2AS518S
Hoax hate 2 - 5 black churches in New Jersey vandalized: http://bit.ly/2AQWIdv



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