[TAS] Genesis McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure "Expert" by node1729 in 22:52.22


[TAS] Genesis McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure "Expert" by node1729 in 22:52.22

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3585M.html. TAS originally published on 2017-12-19.

Although one could certainly crack a joke about the idea of a platformer based on McDonald's characters, the joke is quickly stifled by the fact that this game is made by Treasure, known for their entertaining platformers and shooters. A nonsensical plot involving a treasure map and aliens on the moon is quickly discarded in favor of entertaining and hilarious platform antics.

node1729 improves upon the previous publication by 1:43.16 (6,190 Frames @60 FPS), thanks to new strategies for the final boss as well as movement optimizations.



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