Super Releasio &% - 0 Star (TAS) in 4'15"87


Super Releasio &% - 0 Star (TAS) in 4'15"87

Beaten in 3'48"20 by Dargos, Superdavo0001, Eddio0141, ALX:

LUL finally finished it after 3 days of TASing. Had motivation to TAS this one but also hated it because of what Kaze did if Toad reached a speed of 15. Made bowser fights so hard... At least it allowed some TAS exploits. xd

There's some more ideas I have to improve this TAS, but I don't wanna re-TAS this again tbh.

This beats TimeTravelPenguin's time of 5'15"92: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHP9a...
(He stopped the time when the camera went X, but this is the time for first frame/vi he touches the grand star.)

FYI, I removed the music from the game and replaced it with the original OST so you don't get your ears bleeding.

Sorry for not uploading much, but I upload when I can.
Thanks for 300 subs as well. 😛

Re-records: 8003
Creator of this hack:

Download the hack here!



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