[TAS] Ratchet and Clank - NG+ Any% Batalia IL - Proof of Concept


[TAS] Ratchet and Clank - NG+ Any% Batalia IL - Proof of Concept

Streamed at twitch.tv/nanohologuise - Quality tunes and 0.5 fps gameplay.

When I started this one, I thought I'd get it done in a few hours. The next thing I knew, I was pulling an all-nighter.

RaC1 and RaC2 are going to be broken completely open with the advent of TAS tools. I don't think UYA will become as broken however; the physics are more realistic, the movement less buggy, and glove weapon proxies were patched out.
Twitter - twitter.com/NanoHologuise
Twitch - twitch.tv/nanohologuise



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