Metroid: Other M 100% Speedrun [WR from 1/1/17 to 4/1/17]


Metroid: Other M 100% Speedrun [WR from 1/1/17 to 4/1/17]

New PB/WR: https://youtu.be/lfr8eQFDCh8
Next Improvement: https://youtu.be/hpc9Q_0aSnw

Version/Console: Wii U VC on Wii U.
Run Time: 3h 8m 52s (Previous WR: 3h 10m 15s by JaggerG)
Run Date: 12/25/2016
Splits: https://splits.io/10pz

Finally! What a christmas present from this game. PB'ed by 3 and a half minutes, WR by almost a minute and a half. Stupid death to Queen, in the powerbomb phase of all phases, and a couple of poor fights (Vorash/Nightmare I), but also some good fights (MB/Phantoon). Nothing too spectacular, just an overall solid run that didn't have many mistakes/timelosses.
Have 5 minutes in timesaves compared to my golds, and another minute or so in tricks I don't do, and I know my golds are improvable. I fully believe sub-3h is possible, but it will not be easily obtained and will require very good execution.

History of PB's since previous upload:
3h19m35s - Switched to VC
3h13m55s - Almost beat previous SoB (3h13m10s)
3h12m23s - PB by 1.3s
3h12m23s - PB by 0.3s



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