Super Mario 64 (TAS) - 2018 Competition Task 2 - My Entry


Super Mario 64 (TAS) - 2018 Competition Task 2 - My Entry

Tool Assisted Speedrun

Really nice task, a lot of cool routes at the end. My route was entirely based on getting the other coins while waiting for the plants' blue coins to spawn, so it turned out being solid at the end. Congrats to Nis for destroying everyone else with his submission!


Compilation Video: [Coming soon]


Discord server invite for the competition: https://discord.gg/yTnEgvY


Task description:

Enter Whomp's Fortress and collect 4 yellow coins, 3 red coins and 2 blue coins without collecting multiples of the same color coin in succession. Then collect any star.

- You may not BLJ
- Collecting the same color coin twice in a row will result in disqualification
- Collecting more coins than required will result in disqualification

Time starts on first visible frame of the level and ends on star celebration animation.



1st: Nis 15”30 [60659]
2nd: THC98 | Tales 16"43 [5751]
3rd: Madghostek 17”23 [12108]
4th: Dargos 17"70 [10920]
5th: Sk3p3x 18"07 [4949]
6th: Black Mozart 18"20 [4786]
7th: CeeSZee 18”60 [6959]
8th: Cynimal 18”97 [789]
9th: speedycube64 20"50 [881]
10th: Eddio0141 21”23 [3945]
11th: Kosmic 22"10 [579]
12th: Armin 22”23 [3822]
13th: Eszik 22”47 [2551]
14th: Bretaigne 22"70 [1470]
15th: ERGC | Xander 22"80 [2420]
16th: Alamanar 22”87 [952]
17th: Ojj 23”00 [534]
18th: DyllonStej 24”20 [1745]
19th: Bismuth 25"35 [661]
20th: Cankicker8 25"78 [4094]
21st: 3zachm 26"22 [286]
22nd: Sidney 27"03 [1496]
23rd: Timestoppa 27"40 [1337]
24th: ThatPSIKid 27”57 [331]
25th: Disaster3209 28"67 [236]
26th: Blue Block Gaming 28”98 [135]
27th: Padacuw 29"13 [679]
28th: PhazedAU 30"30 [103]
29th: Qflame 30"58 [316]
30th: Doggo 33”06 [1425]
31st: Corvin410 34”83 [147]
32nd: Not Plush 36”17 [925]
33rd: Sylwer 38"33 [32]
34th: Banditarm1 38”97 [342]
35th: Forever Park 41”30 [78]
36th: Niknoc 47"58 [468]
37th: Fewffwa 55”10 [148]





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