120 Star TAS Route || Ep. 1 || VcutM Star First?


120 Star TAS Route || Ep. 1 || VcutM Star First?

Thanks to:
• Snark for their .m64 for VcutM
• Pannenkoek2012 for hex editing
• Luigihaxd for hex editing and optimizing the TAS movements
• The people in the SM64 TAS discord who actually have brains
• Plush for being Plush

Long has it been since the 120 star TAS was uploaded. Since time has passed, the TAS can be completed in a SIGNIFICANTLY faster time. But, alas, no one is working on it. Well, except a few. And well, they are only attempting basic routing improvements.

So like, please don't get your hopes up for a new 120 star TAS

Snark: https://www.youtube.com/user/snark122
Pannenkoek2012: https://www.youtube.com/user/pannenko...
Luigihaxd: https://www.youtube.com/user/4212luigi

SM64 TASing discord:

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