[TAS] Backwards F-Zero X Custom Track: Dashes Power 5


[TAS] Backwards F-Zero X Custom Track: Dashes Power 5

Did you know that if you drive over a dash-plate while facing backwards, in addition to slowing the machine down, it will also near-instantaneously reduce your speed by ~200-300km/h even if you have already just hit another dash-plate one-tenth of a second ago?
In that case, I guess it's a good thing that dash-plates don't have any effect while traveling over 2000km/h, otherwise I'd be up dash-creek without a paddle. Bonus clip demonstrating just how bad it can get once the speed drops below 2000km/h @ 1:15 (I promise that the inputs permanently stop before dipping below 2000km/h).
It's also a good thing that this effect doesn't happen with manual boosts, so I can spam those all I want without any (speed-related) consequence 😀

Also, there was barely enough space at the bottom of the screen to put in the THPS reference without obscuring the Deep Claw itself, which was a little annoying to deal with. If you didn't like the reference that much or if you otherwise want a version of this TAS without the THPS-style text, I've made a separate clean encode that you can find here: https://youtu.be/Lskh-z3xj_0
Note: There's no bonus footage in this encode.

Played at 15% speed / frame by frame with a controller and savestates were used.

Re-records: 1,663

Track design by Philippe Brodier.



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