Pikmin 2 TAS: Confection Hoop in 1:03


Pikmin 2 TAS: Confection Hoop in 1:03

This video is tool-assisted, meaning that I used savestates and frame-advance. I used Dolphin as my emulator and OBS to record. Props to Ethan Hurst for helping me set these things up!

Pikmin 2 records how many minutes you have spent in a file. However, it only counts how many whole minutes you have spent. If I select a file, play for 1:59 and save + reset, the game only counts this as 1 minute. Because of this, it is possible to pay off the debt in just 1 minute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbvG0...
It is possible to beat the game in just 20 minutes. HSS0136 beat the game in 23 minutes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCxmt...
HSS0136 saved 2 more minutes since then. Here are the minute saves:
White Flower Garden 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpVKM...
Valley of Repose: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-tMP...
I also recently saved a minute. Submerged Castle 2 used to take 2 minutes, but now it only takes 1 minute:

In this video, I wanted to see if Submerged Castle 2 could take 0 minutes. This requires collecting Confection Hoop at its location in this video in less than 1 minute. However, it doesn't look like this is feasible with standard techniques. There is some potential for a time save when getting 30 blues to pick up the Confection Hoop, as this takes 6 seconds, but I don't see how 3 seconds could be saved here.

I'm kinda glad that this didn't work out, as I think that collecting both Chocolate Cushion and Confection Hoop in under 2 minutes by utilizing charging is much cooler. When you think about it, it's surprising that collecting a close and a far treasure in under 2 minutes is possible, whereas collecting just the close treasure in under 1 minute is not (currently). That just shows how much time charging and multi-tasking saves! This being said, I would be happy if some obscure glitch/technique would allow for Confection Hoop to be collected in under 1 minute. Then, Pikmin 2 could be beaten in 19 in-game minutes.



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