[TAS] DS Kirby: Canvas Curse by GloriousLiar in 25:45.53


[TAS] DS Kirby: Canvas Curse by GloriousLiar in 25:45.53

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3275M.html. TAS originally published on 2016-12-08.

Kirby: Canvas Curse is one of many sequels in the Kirby franchise. In this installment, Kirby and the inhabitants of Dream Land are all turned into paint by the witch Drawcia, with Kirby being stuck as a limbless ball. Players must guide Kirby through various stages via the DS touchpad.

In this run, GloriousLiar exploits quirks in the way the game handles said touchpad, allowing him to launch Kirby at ludicrous speeds to beat this game in the blink of an eye.



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