TAS HD: NES Gimmick! (JPN) "Best Ending" in 07:44.45 by Aglar & Hotarubi


TAS HD: NES Gimmick! (JPN) "Best Ending" in 07:44.45 by Aglar & Hotarubi

Publication: http://tasvideos.org/1546M.html

A short Japanese game about a small green creature who can summon stars to help him defeat monsters and to use them as platforms to reach high places and travel fast.

This movie aims to collect all the items to enter the secret 7th level after the level 6 boss. It accomplishes this about 2 minutes and 15 seconds faster than the previous movie.

The game cartridge of Gimmick! contains a special microchip, FME7, which extends the number of sound channels in the game from 5 to 8, creating a more melodic soundtrack than in most other NES games.



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