[TAS] The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! in 14:34.21 by Prince_Leaf


[TAS] The Flintstones: The Surprise at Dinosaur Peak! in 14:34.21 by Prince_Leaf

This is Tool-Assisted Speedrun that was created for the sole purpose of exploring this game.

My first TAS of this game was a little lacking in quality. I took a lot more time to create this TAS than the last one. Hopefully it shows. Unfortunately, this isn't one of those games you can just do whatever you want for entertainment because it causes the game to lose frames rather easily.

In the end, I got a seven second improvement over my previous attempt.There's nothing more I can think of that will improve this game. All I can do now is take what I've learned and use it to tackle the world record.

The frame count was 52990 frames from power on.



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