SM64 Speed TAS Comp Task 1 Reveal Stream!


SM64 Speed TAS Comp Task 1 Reveal Stream!

I recently had the privilege to reveal the results for the first ever Super Mario 64 Speed TAS Competition! There were a couple of hiccups, but overall it went pretty well! Shoutouts to everyone who watched live.

Join the competition here: https://discord.gg/yqvZUjK

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mike_xander

In Whomp's Fortress, start by warping from the Shoot to the Wild Blue area to the Metal Cap area, collect 25 coins, then end by entering the cannon. No reentering the warp or using the blue coin switch. You have 1 Hour.

Task 1 Results:
1. Plush 13"10 [274]
2. ERGC | Xander 13"53 [572]
3. SilentSlayers 13"67 [1401]
4. IwerSonsch 14"03 [140]
5. Alexpalix1 14"13 [292]
6. Sylwer 15"20 [174]
7. Eddio0141 16"36 [25213?]
8. fifdspence 16"80 [79]
9. SpeedyCube 17"93 [282]
10. ds273 18"10 [90]
11. MrPyt1001 18"76 [226]
12. Nis 19"10 [1022]
13. YO_WUZ_UP 19"53 [145]
14. Jongyon 19"73 [690]
15. shadoxfm 20"17 [162]
16. dargos 21"18 [1596]
17. egaSyeliR 21"90 [123]
18. Sk3p3x 22"17[421]
19. taechuk 22"80 [241]
20. Faustas 24"53 [34]
21. MMMMMMMMMMMMM 28"93 [425]

DQ: Non5en5e (doesn't collect 25 coins)
DQ: Sunksimp (warps the wrong way)



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