[TAS] Super Smash Bros. at 14,400 Frames Per Second (240x Slow Motion) Part 1


[TAS] Super Smash Bros. at 14,400 Frames Per Second (240x Slow Motion) Part 1

With the help of a Gecko Code to modify how slow the Timer item makes opponents, I was able to capture some "high speed" moments like Luigi's Misfire and Falco's laser. I made the modifier 240 times as slow instead of its default 4, which effectively makes the animations "run" at 14,400 (240 x 60) frames per second. The item also has a chance to slow down the whole game alongside the opponent, so I was able to get Matrix-level shots with laser and arrow dodging. For those that don't know, normal timers only slow down the opponent, not his/her projectiles. The game-slowing timer emulates what would happen if you turn down the speed in Training Mode.

This took longer than I hoped, as my PC froze during the frame dumping process, and caused a bug with the OpenGL Shader, which made the boot.elf file unusable. It took me a few hours, after hopelessly trying to fix it, to realize that it was the shader that caused the problem, but everything's fine now.

Want to see more of this? Let me know in the comments! Thanks for watching!

Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu9t9...
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DStejGaming
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/DyllonStej
Skype: dyllon.stejakoski
Email: DyllonStejakoski@gmail.com



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