TAS 278 : How NEW Sellers Can Still Start on Amazon Even with Recent Review Changes with Jeff Cohen


TAS 278 : How NEW Sellers Can Still Start on Amazon Even with Recent Review Changes with Jeff Cohen

In this Episode: •Is Amazon Too Crowded? •Important Business Skills •Don’t Be Intimidated by FUD
There’s been a lot of talk going on lately about whether or not Amazon is still a good or viable way for people to create an online business. Some people feel that crowded product markets and Amazon’s ability to change the selling platform at any time make it an uphill battle at best. Others feel there’s still lots of opportunity for new sellers and existing sellers alike. On this episode, Scott talks with his friend Jeff Cohen, a man whose company is neck-deep in Amazon related issues. He’s got lots of insight into what’s going on within the inner workings of Amazon and what it takes to build a new product on the Amazon platform successfully. You will get TONS of value from what Jeff has to share, so be sure you listen.

Download Transcript for this Episode: http://theamazingseller.com/278

▪ [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this interview session of the podcast!
▪ [3:18] Jeff’s background online and with Amazon sales.
▪ [5:05] Why there is still a ton of optimism surrounding Amazon sales.
▪ [11:57] Two thoughts about the danger/concern of having all your eggs in one basket.
▪ [20:06] A big mistake many Amazon sellers make when it comes to quality and safety.
▪ [24:50] What does the review policy change mean for sellers going forward?
▪ [38:24] Scott’s theory about the safest way to follow up with discounted customers.
▪ [47:30] Patience in light of Amazon’s unintended consequences.
▪ [53:33] Jeff’s best advice: Don’t be scared by fear, uncertainty, and doubt.

http://www.feedbackgenius.com/ - Feedback Genius
http://reviewmeta.com/ - Review Meta
https://www.amazon.jobs/en/principles - The Amazon Leadership Principles
https://www.snagshout.com/ - SnagShout
https://www.shopify.com/ - Shopify
https://www.sellerlabs.com/scope/ - Scope

Listen to more FBA Talk at http://theamazingseller.com FBA Private Label discussion on how to build and Amazon Business.

Check out my Weekly Workshop Link: http://theamazingseller.com/workshop/

Get in on Scott’s next live event - http://www.TheAmazingSeller.com/live

Checkout my book ’AMAZON SELLING BLUEPRINT’ at http://theamazingseller.com/book

Discounted Amazon Seller Tools: http://theamazingseller.com/resources



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