All Dungeons No Doors TAS in 2:21:32 with commentary


All Dungeons No Doors TAS in 2:21:32 with commentary

Original TAS here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtWr7...

This is a TAS of beating all dungeons and beating the game without opening a single door. The goal may seem silly, but it takes an incredible amount of glitches and abusing the game in very specific ways to achieve this and makes it a great watch if you enjoy seeing a game get broken down.

Full credits and FAQ can be found here: https://pastebin.com/Kk9k3PPq
A compilation of all the out-of-bounds segments, with map collision hacked to be visible, can be found here: https://youtu.be/PNXj_QmwNDc



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