TAS 2018: Japan Pavilon - Consolidated Tenants' PR Movie


TAS 2018: Japan Pavilon - Consolidated Tenants' PR Movie

Partnership between Africa and Japan goes back to 1960s. One of the first partnerships was an appointment of Masaya Hattori as the governor of the central bank of Rwanda. In 1993, the first Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) was held to establish a high-level cooperation framework on African development. TICAD conferences have been held every 3-5 year, with participations of delegates from all the African countries, international organization and private sectors. The next TICAD will be held in 2019 in Yokohama Japan.

Japan’s ICT systems have been introduced around the world, contributing to solve social problems, and economic growth. Japan Pavilion will provide insights and networks to scale-up and spread-out innovation experience and knowledge to across the continent. More than twenty companies and institutions from various sectors will exhibit their products and technologies in TAS 2018. These include disruptive ones such as space, data-revolution, Virtual Reality (VR) and drones.

Cultural experience will highlight the pavilion. Staffs with a mysterious dress and a beautiful photo spot will welcome you.
Please visit Japan Pavilion, and enjoy a mixture of technology and its unique culture.



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