Super Hang-On Comparing runs TAS Hardest vs SpeedRun Normal. Only study purposes.


Super Hang-On Comparing runs TAS Hardest vs SpeedRun Normal. Only study purposes.

I have make this video with the intention to find out why do I get more time in lap 4 than Defang (https://www.speedrun.com/shog/run/yvj...). thanks to the user petaQ for pointing it out in the original video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VreyE...).

At the beginning of each lap is in sync and you can see in first lap that Defang's km/h are higher before Turbo but then I start taking smooth curves right before Turbo and he take full curves and is then when my km/h go faster and the time suddenly goes faster and this goes on for the rest of the ride.

I can see I am doing faster in lap 4 but the game gives me less score and more elapsed time, the better I take the curve the longer the distance become but the time it counts is bigger, maybe is due to difficulty differences that may change also many other invisible factors.

The two videos are in sync but in the fist curve of every lap depending of speed, angle, road position and difficulty level, the seconds and distance happens at different rate, it is like if those factors makes real time in game differ to longer if you do worse or shorter if you do better.

My conclusion is that it should be done without changing difficulty level but that I'll do with the other 3 courses in some point in the future.

Thanks for watching!.



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